alki creek trail is closed Until further notice.
As of Nov 1st, 2020, Alki Creek Trailhead has been gated and is closed until further notice. The land at the base of the Alki Creek Trail access road is on private land, and for years the land owners have let people access the Alki trailhead for locals to enjoy.
Experiencing a few concerning issues with users on this portion of the property, the land owner decided to close it for liability reasons. "We did this mostly because of the continual trash we have had to pick up and the numerous unattended campfires we have had to put out (some even during campfire bans). We are also concerned about the liability we incur by leaving unfettered access to our property (signs we put up this summer did not seem to help alleviate the problems).
It is worth noting that the landowner has been proactive and reached out last fall to inform KTS of the changes. The landowner also mentioned they were "open to coming up with an arrangement that provides access to the trailhead through our property for KTS members."
KTS and the Province are currently working with the landowner to find a solution and re-establish access to the Alki Creek Trail. "However, no arrangement has been made at this time." said the landowner, so please respect the closure of this access road. Thank you.
Experiencing a few concerning issues with users on this portion of the property, the land owner decided to close it for liability reasons. "We did this mostly because of the continual trash we have had to pick up and the numerous unattended campfires we have had to put out (some even during campfire bans). We are also concerned about the liability we incur by leaving unfettered access to our property (signs we put up this summer did not seem to help alleviate the problems).
It is worth noting that the landowner has been proactive and reached out last fall to inform KTS of the changes. The landowner also mentioned they were "open to coming up with an arrangement that provides access to the trailhead through our property for KTS members."
KTS and the Province are currently working with the landowner to find a solution and re-establish access to the Alki Creek Trail. "However, no arrangement has been made at this time." said the landowner, so please respect the closure of this access road. Thank you.